Dez Reads. Sphere’s Spectacular Surge, Ride-Share Riddles, Kennedy’s Campaign Echo, and more.

Dezenhall Resources / February 16, 2024
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Welcome back to Dez Reads, your essential digest of the week’s most subtly influential stories. This week, we explore the surge in revenue following the Sphere Las Vegas opening, the newfound profitability paths for Uber and Lyft, the media’s adaptation to transformative changes, the enduring allure of the Kennedy legacy, the mixed reception of Apple’s Vision Pro, and Tiger Woods’ latest venture into lifestyle branding with Sun Day Red.

Each story offers a unique lens through today’s evolving narratives, prompting us to question, analyze, and reflect on the past week’s events. As we unpack this week’s articles, our goal extends beyond informing – to spark insightful discussions and a deeper understanding of the narratives influencing our 24-hour media landscape.

Here we go.

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