Dezenhall Resources Adds New Staff

Dezenhall Resources / December 12, 2022
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Dezenhall Resources Expands Staff and Services
Announces New Hires and Senior Promotions


Washington – Dezenhall Resources announced four new hires today, senior-level staff promotions and the expansion of client services.

New hires include:

Promotions and current staff changes, effective January 1, 2023, include:

With the hiring of Moore, Dezenhall is expanding its New York presence. She joins Mike Bova, who leads Dezenhall’s work in the region to expand our capabilities and better serve clients in key industries like finance, ad tech, fintech, biopharma, and more. With the hiring of Emerson, Dezenhall is also adding talent in Chicago to better serve clients in key industries like agriculture, food and beverage, manufacturing, and more.

Steven Schlein, incoming CEO, said: “Dezenhall clients continue to face unique and multifaceted challenges in defending their reputations and market share while navigating constantly changing regulatory and media landscapes. We are scaling to meet those needs. The addition of these four talented communicators, plus the elevation of Mike Bova and Fred Brown to Senior Vice Presidents, maintains our status on the cutting edge of crisis communications, public affairs and digital advocacy, while expanding our presence in crucial markets like New York and Chicago.”

“As I look back on 35 years in this business, I am grateful to have surrounded myself with talented colleagues and been able to serve incredible clients. Dezenhall Resources is in great hands under the leadership of Steven Schlein and the amazing team we have in place. The future is bright,” Eric Dezenhall concluded.